April 3, 2013

NOTD: Emerald love

Ce mai faceti? Cum va simtiti in mijlocul saptamanii? Eu sunt cam somnoroasa, nu stiu de ce...o fi vremea de vina, ca ploua :(
Eu ador culoarea smaraldului de cand am vazut nuanta asta prima data...si acum ca e in voga, sa zic asa, ma simt fooooaaarte happy!
Nu de mult i-am facut mamei un model de lebada, mai abstract, pe unghii, si de atunci ma gandesc sa imi fac si mie. Asa ca...smarald+lebede abstracte=unghiile mele de azi!

How are you? How are you feeling in the middle of the week? I`m a little bit sleepy, don`t know why...maybe it`s the rainy weather :(
I love emerald color since the moment I saw the shade...and now, that`s a must color of the season, I`m very happy!
Not long ago, I made my mom an abstract swan manicure and from that moment I wanted a design as hers. So...emerald+abstract swans=my nails of the day!

Golden Rose 103, Gabrini Diamond D65, Leydi 741, Moyra Diamond Top Coat

Sper ca v-a placut postarea mea de azi!
Va pup, pe data viitoare!

I hope you liked my post from today!
Kisses, `til next time!

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